How to safely and inexpensively organize business trips despite a pandemic?
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Better control can take your #dutyofcare to the next level and reduce travel costs. Is it even possible in the COVID-19 era? These are main problems that business travel face today:
- coronavirus threat and associated stress
- risk that the government of the country you are planning to travel to, will impose new restrictions at the last minute (for instance need for quarantine)
- chaos on the side of airlines (frequent cancellations and postponements of flights)
- uncertainty about hotels and reservations
The current situation can lead to downtime in running business, increase in sickness among employees, financial losses, and, which few remember, to a drop in morale in the company. The recipe for these threats is greater control, and this can be achieved thanks to better organization and #digitaltransformation.
Make sure you have the latest information available
It’s crucial to combine knowing where your employees are currently located, with COVID-19 statistics on their travel destinations.
If you manage a large company where business travel is essential, you may need an interactive world map showing everything in real time: the location of employees, contractors, and vendors you sent on the trip and the epidemiological situation in the area.
Show your employees that you care about their safety
In the COVID-19 era, a business trip abroad can be an unpleasant experience. Make sure your employees and partners will have the opportunity to call for support, regardless of time zone. 24/7 aid will surely make their trip less stressful.
It also doesn’t hurt to remind them to keep their distance, disinfect their hands, and wear masks and gloves.
Limit your choice of accommodation places
Before the outbreak, employees could choose hotels so that they could visit local tourist attractions. Unfortunately now it is too risky.
The accommodation should be as close as possible to the destination of the business trip. So that the employee has as little contact with other people as possible on the way to a conference or meeting.
It is a good idea for the traveler to prepare a list of hotels to choose from, or to define the area in which the traveler can search for accommodation.
Full control on the example of Hotailors
Companies using Hotailors always know what’s going on with their employees on the go. All thanks to the traveler tracking option. It provides you with immediate access to the telephone number, e-mail or location of the employee or contractor. In the event of an emergency, you can react quickly.
Information on threats (disasters, increased infections, terrorist attacks) is up-to-date and reliable, because at Hotailors we use official sources and statistics.
In the event of traffic chaos (canceled and postponed flights, delays, problems with hotels), we provide our clients with immediate assistance.
How it’s possible?
Our team of advisers is on standby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to receive your call and deal with your case. Such assistance is available to our clients without any additional formalities.
The 24/7 hotline is not everything. Thanks to one of our partners, Kiwi, we guarantee care for the traveler in case he or she gets stuck on the way to the destination for various reasons. Flight got canceled? We will provide the traveler with an alternative means of transport. Traveler missed the connection? We will take care of the situation and find accommodation for him.
Our clients’ employees have an easier journey planning process, because thanks to Hotailors systems, the choice of connections and accommodation is limited to the most practical and safe options. And thanks to the integration within the SAP Concur App Center, many of our clients can implement their data into our system instead of creating everything from scratch.
The secret to efficient business travel management is #digitaltransformation. Only with the right technology it is possible to control travel processes in today’s dynamic world. The experience of our clients shows that it is possible to organize business trips 90% faster and 30% cheaper.
In spite of the pandemic, companies must keep going. It is on them that civilization as we know it is based. In many cases, it is impossible to run global business without moving between countries. Therefore, we wish your company a safe and stress-free business trip. Contact us and we will be happy to help you organize everything so that you have full control.
Hotailors team