Tools for self-booking business trips

Tools for self-booking business travel are becoming more and more popular. What are the benefits for companies that choose such solutions?

We will answer these and other questions in the article below.

The coronavirus pandemic has affected many sectors. It hit the tourism industry very hard. Due to lockdowns, many companies moved their activities online. As a result, the demand for tools for self-booking business trips has increased.

It used to be considered that only large companies took advantage of such tools, but this has now changed. In addition to large corporations, both small and medium-sized companies can implement such solutions. Automation and digitization have also come to the rescue.

The tourism industry is becoming more and more visible on the Internet.


What are the benefits of self-booking business travel platforms?

First of all, numerous integrations.

Due to constant cooperation with large suppliers, companies that are implementing such tools have a lot of options. An employee gains access to a wide range of various transport options and hotels, all in one place. Integrating many suppliers on one platform gives you the best price and choice. It is also a time-saver ashe user has access to all offers directly. He does not have to search on different websites and with multiple suppliers, and then compare offers. Often, the price and offer change over time. Time does not work in favor of those who plan to travel.

Many companies also offer access to insurance, car rental, or a personalized travel policy.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have access to all these functions in one place?


A one-stop-shop

Like us, do you like to have access to multiple services all on one platform? This is important in terms of timing and helpful in making decisions.

Your company’s travel policy is a very important element when planning business trips. With a travel policy in place, we can set any limits in advance that help employees make their travel choices. They often have an imposed budget, which makes it easier for them to choose an appropriate accommodation or transport offer. A well-structured travel policy helps to achieve savings and fits into the framework of employees. There is no competition between them for a hotel or budget. Clearly defined rules in a given company help to eliminate the related chaos.


Safety first and foremost

An event such as the coronavirus pandemic has forced travelers to check the current data on the number of infections and restrictions in the country they are going to. At Hotailors, we constantly update this data. The safety of our travelers is paramount to us.


A sense of being cared for

What distinguishes our company from others? Our professional help desk, for sure. It should also be noted that professional English language service is also a very important aspect. Our clients come from various countries. We provide assistance 365 days a year 24/7.


We hope that numerous business trips will return soon and that the business agent market will return to the state it was before the coronavirus pandemic.


The Hotailors team